Sign The Petition

BREAKING NEWS: President Biden has moved the ERA forward. Help us pressure Congressional and State Legislators to make the Equal Rights Amendment part of our Constitution NOW.

Now is the time to have our voices heard!

We are already making a difference! Thousands of us called upon President Biden to certify the Equal Rights Amendment to secure the rights of women in our Constitution. Friday morning, January 17th, he answered by officially calling on the National Archivist to add Equal Rights for Women officially as the 28th Amendment.

Though over 78% of Americans agree with this Amendment and we need to push this through to the finish line. We are SO CLOSE!

This will likely go to the Supreme Court but we can work together to strengthen our fight both at a National and a State level.

Help us send a message to the public and to Elected Officials that the time is NOW to provide Equal Rights for Women. This petition will be delivered to the offices of Congressional and State leaders pressure them to act and to publicly endorse the Amendment.

Your voice matters! Thank you for adding your name to the growing call for equality.

We will use this info to contact legislators representing your area.

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13046 Race Track Road
Suite 248
Tampa, FL 33626

This site is brought to you in part by Shawna Presley Vercher, The Political Fixer.
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